Get Started

Deployment Guide

Follow the steps outlined below to deploy gscagent on your server.

Step 1: Upload

Use your preferred method (For example, scp, sftp) to upload the gscagent.tar.gz file to your desired directory on the server.

Step 2: Unzip the File

Navigate to the location where 'gscagent.tar.gz' was uploaded and unzip the file using the following command:

tar -zxvf gscagent.tar.gz

Step 3: Grant Permissions and Execution

Allow execution of the script and run it with the following commands:

chmod 777 && ./

Step 4: Check the Log

You can monitor the service's logs with the following command:

tail -200f nohup.log

Step 5: Test the Application

Ensure that service port 9000 is available. You can check this by typing in the browser address bar:


You should see the gscagent service interface if everything is operating correctly. Note: Replace "[you_server_ip]" with your actual server address. Now, gscagent is successfully installed and running! 18